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Gynaecology is the medical process dealing with the female reproductive organs including uterus, ovaries and vagina.

Contributors in Gynaecology


pelvic inlet

Medical; Gynaecology

The pelvic inlet or superior aperture of the pelvis is a planar surface which is typically used to define the boundary between the pelvic cavity and the abdominal cavity (or, according to some ...

pelvic inlet

Medical; Gynaecology

(in obstetrics) the inlet to the true pelvis, bounded by the sacral promontory, the horizontal rami of the pubic bones, and the top of the symphysis pubis. Because the infant must pass through the ...


Medical; Gynaecology

The period of time that an animal spends inside it's mother's body before being born.


Medical; Gynaecology

The propagation of microorganisms in a nutrient rich growth medium to detect infectious material such as bacteria or viruses.

venereal disease

Medical; Gynaecology

A venereal disease (VD) also known as STD is an illness that has a significant probability of transmission between humans by means of human sexual behavior.


Medical; Gynaecology

The final straight portion of the large intestine in some mammals, and the gut in others.


Medical; Gynaecology

Direct visualization of a fetus by passing a special fibreoptic endoscope through the abdomen.

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