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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Seismology


Earth science; Seismology

The inverse of convolution. Used in extracting information (e.g. source-time function, instrument response) from the raw seismic data to retain the source signal or ground ...


Earth science; Seismology

The instrumental aspects of seismology.

rupture front

Earth science; Seismology

The instantaneous boundary between the slipping and locked parts of a fault during an earthquake. Rupture in one direction on the fault is referred to as unilateral. Rupture may ...


Earth science; Seismology

The innermost layers of the Earth. The inner core is solid and has a radius of about 1300 kilometres. (The radius of the Earth is about 6371 kilometres. ) The outer core is ...

shadow zone

Earth science; Seismology

The area on the Earth's surface protected from seismic wave arrivals.


Earth science; Seismology

The sudden release of stored elastic energy caused by the sudden fracture and movement of rocks along a fault. Some of the energy released is in the form of seismic waves, that ...


Earth science; Seismology

The vertical component of displacement on a fault.