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Medical > Gastroenterology

granulomatous colitis

Medical; Gastroenterology

Another name for crohn’s disease of the colon.


Medical; Gastroenterology

A buildup of galactose in the blood caused by the lack of one of the enzymes needed to break down galactose.


Medical; Gastroenterology

An infectious disease of the colon. Symptoms include bloody, mucus-filled diarrhea; abdominal pain; fever; and loss of fluids from the body.


Medical; Gastroenterology

A hormone made in the duodenum that causes the stomach to make pepsin, the liver to make bile, and the pancreas to make digestive juices.


Medical; Gastroenterology

A reaction to a food, drug, or other substance.

gluten sensitive enteropathy

Medical; Gastroenterology

A general term that refers to celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis.


Medical; Gastroenterology

A fatlike substance in the body. The body makes and needs some cholesterol, which also comes from foods such as butter and egg yolks. Too much cholesterol may cause gallstones or ...