Contributors in Medical
Medical > Human genome 

Biology; Human genome
Eugenics is a bio-social movement which advocates the practice that very talented people should spread their genes by having more children, and less talented people should be ...
celiac disease
Medical; Human genome
A digestive disease that is caused by an immune response to a protein called gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats. Celiac disease damages the lining of the ...
Medical; Human genome
1) Age, lifestyle, diet, and gene related degeneration of arteries due to deposition of lipoid plaques (atheromas) on inner arterial walls; main cause of coronary artery disease, ...
Medical; Human genome
1) Unequal curvature of the refractive surfaces of the eye. Thus a point source of light cannot be brought to a point focus on the retina but is spread over a more or less ...
bone marrow transplantation
Medical; Human genome
The transference of bone marrow from one human or animal to another.
Medical; Human genome
1) Having caverns or cavities. 2) Of tissue: composed largely of vascular sinuses and capable of dilating with blood to bring about the erection of a body part.
carpal bones
Medical; Human genome
The eight bones of the wrist: scaphoid bone; lunate bone; triquetrum bone; pisiform bone; trapezium bone; trapezoid bone; capitate bone; and hamate bone.

- AIDS prevention & treatment (27898)
- Allergies and allergens (238)
- Cardiology (345)
- Chinese medicine ()
- Diagnostic instruments & tests (11198)
- Forensic (207)
- Gastroenterology (12738)
- Gynaecology (272)
- Herbal medicine (15181)
- Histology (965)
- Human genome (10581)
- Illness (3885)
- Medical genetics (8)
- Medical research (3058)
- Medicine (135738)
- Radiology (163)
- Radiotherapy (107)
- Rheumatology (83)
- Stem cell research (1241)
- Viruses (400)