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Medical > Human genome


Medical; Human genome

A monovalent group -COOH typical of organic acids--called also carboxyl group.


Medical; Human genome

A subjective sensation (as of voices or colored lights or crawling and numbness) experienced before an attack of some nervous disorders (as epilepsy or migraine).


Medical; Human genome

An antibody active against a tissue constituent of the individual producing it.


Medical; Human genome

1) A nonnitrogenous starchy food. 2) A waxy translucent substance consisting of protein in combination with polysaccharides that is deposited in some animal organs and tissue ...


Medical; Human genome

The vessels carrying blood away from the heart.


Medical; Human genome

The occurrence of one or more extra or missing chromosomes leading to an unbalanced chromosome complement, or, any chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the haploid ...


Medical; Human genome

A protein found especially in microfilaments (as those comprising myofibrils) and active in muscular contraction, cellular movement, and maintenance of cell shape.