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The study of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

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Philosophy > General philosophy

post hoc ergo propter hoc

Philosophy; General philosophy

Latin for “after this, therefore because of this.” A logical fallacy that is committed when an argument concludes that something causes something else just because the first thing ...

argumentum ad ignorantiam

Philosophy; General philosophy

Latin for “argument from ignorance.”

petitio principii

Philosophy; General philosophy

Latin for “assuming the initial point.” Refers to the “begging the question fallacy.”

prima facie

Philosophy; General philosophy

Latin for “at first face” or “at first sight.” 'Prima facie' refers to something that counts as a consideration in favor of something but can be overridden. For example, prima ...

tabula rasa

Philosophy; General philosophy

Latin for “blank slate.” Refers to the hypothesis that people were born not knowing anything.

ipso facto

Philosophy; General philosophy

Latin for “by the fact itself.” It refers to something that is a direct consequence of something else. It means something similar to the phrase “in and of itself.”

de facto

Philosophy; General philosophy

Latin for “concerning fact.” Used to describe the actual state of affairs or practice regardless of what's right or lawful. For example, a dictator could find an illegitimate way ...