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The study of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

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Philosophy > General philosophy


Philosophy; General philosophy

A statement that appears beyond belief or outside normal expectations. (from the Greek para - alongside and doxa - belief). This was a favoured form of argument of Zeno of Elea, ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

The study of what constitutes beauty. Like ethics, aesthetics is a branch of practical philosophy, only it concerns human values rather than actions. Aesthetics considers what is ...

Ad hominem

Philosophy; General philosophy

An ad hominem argument is an argument that attacks a claim on the basis of features of the person who holds it. Two different sorts of argument are called "ad hominem arguments." ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

A form of philosophical debate which developed from the Socratic dialogue. It is the major form of debate in Plato's "Dialogues" where the protagonist, often Socrates, ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

A term related to the ways in which the knowledge we can gain or claim to have is related to experience (from the Greek empeiria - experience). The opposite view to empiricism, ...

Ad hoc

Philosophy; General philosophy

You call something ad hoc when it's introduced for a particular purpose, instead of for some general, antecedently motivated reason. So, for instance, an ad hoc decision is a ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

A branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of knowledge and what can be known (from the Greek episteme - knowledge). Plato poses the question: "Is the meaning of terms like ...