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The study of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

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Contributors in Philosophy

Philosophy > General philosophy

Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno

Philosophy; General philosophy

Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno (1903–1969) was a philosopher, composer, sociologist, and aesthetic theorist. He spent his last days beset by the “emergencies in democracy” prompted by ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

Aenesidemus (1st century BCE) was a Greek sceptical philosopher, born in Knossos on the island of Crete. Very little was known about Aenesidemus’s life. He taught in Alexandria ...

aesthetic experience

Philosophy; General philosophy

An emotional experience in response to works of art or other aesthetic objects. Although the term aesthetic itself was not introduced until the eighteenth century, it is clear ...

Ideas of Plato

Philosophy; General philosophy

Plato as student of Socrates, in round 6th century B.C developped his doctrine on ''Ideas'' , his ideology consisted that the world can be grasped and conceived only by means of ...

tripartite soul

Philosophy; General philosophy

Late philosopher Plato's theory that our souls are made of three parts:ood & wisdom 2. Spirited - Refers to anger and defending honor, revenge, and pride; controls our desire for ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

Characteristic of the philosopher Descartes, this refers to never accepting anything to be true that one does not know is true for absolute certain. This is often tied to ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

The belief that there is nothing else but one's own mind. Descartes is often associated with this notion.