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The study of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

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Contributors in Philosophy

Philosophy > General philosophy

Francis Bacon

Philosophy; General philosophy

(Lord Verulam) (1561-1626) English politician and philosopher. Bacon became Lord Chancellor of England in 1618, but was driven immediately from office under charges of official ...

Roger Bacon

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1214-1292) English Franciscan philosopher who translated many Aristotelean treatises from Arabic into Latin. Although passionately interested in alchemy and magic, Roger defended ...

Ivan Bakayev

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1887-1936) Bolshevik before the revolution, head of the GPU in Leningrad and a supporter of Zinoviev. Bakayev was expelled from the party in 1927 for his political views but ...

Boris Alexander Bakhnietiev

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1880-1951) Engineer, member War Industries Committee 1914-15. Deputy Minister Trade & Commerce under Lvov. Ambassador to Washington 1917. Lived after October in the USA.

Baku commissars

Philosophy; General philosophy

In 1918, with the Soviet area of the Caucasus threatened by Turkish troops, the Mensheviks and nationalists used their majority in the Baku Soviet to invite the intervention of ...

Michael Bakunin

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1814-76) Russian revolutionary. One of the founders of anarchism. In the 1830s Bakunin was a Young Hegelian. In 1848 he took part in the German revolution (the rising in ...

Jose Manoel Balmaceda

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1838-1891) President of the Republic of Chili. He was educated in the Jesuit College at Santiago but became an atheist and joined the anti-clerical Liberals in the fight against ...