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The study of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

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Philosophy > General philosophy


Philosophy; General philosophy

A compound word: Avalokita, "perceived," "seen"; Isvara, "lord"; hence "the Lord who is perceived or cognized," i.e., the spiritual entity, whether in the kosmos or in the human ...

Robert Adamson

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1852-1902) Described in the Cambridge History of Modern Literature (XIV,48) as "the most learned of contemporary philosophers." He was an outspoken \ Agnostic and a Utilitarian ...

William Adamson

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1863-1936) General Secretary of the Fife Miners7 Union from 1908 until his death. In 1910 became Scotland's first miners' MP, representing Fife West until 1931. Prominent within ...

add al-tahtani

Philosophy; General philosophy

Sub-contrariety or the relation of sub-contrary opposition between two particular propositions having the same subject and predicate, but differing in quality.

Jane Addams

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1863-1935) Famous American reformer, founder of Hull House at Chicago, Nobel Prize Winner, and for 7 years President of the Women's' International League for Peace and Freedom. ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

The word means one who is "skilled"; hence, even in our ordinary life, a chemist, a physician, a theologian, a mechanic, an engineer, a teacher of languages, an astronomer, are ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

The lord of lives; the supreme spirit when dwelling in all elemental nature through the mysterious power of nature's illusion.