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The study of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

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Philosophy > General philosophy


Philosophy; General philosophy

A pair of equally defensible yet contradictory conclusions. Kant employed the antinomies of pure reason to show the consequences of misapplying regulative principles in the ...

antique charm

Philosophy; General philosophy

The relatively weak appeal of deeds or works flowing from a worldview which has passed out of fashion.


Philosophy; General philosophy

(445-360 B.C.E.) Greek philosopher, friend of Socrates, sometimes regarded as the founder of cynicism. Fragmentary reports suggest that Antisthenes denied the possibility of ...

Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko

Philosophy; General philosophy

(1884-1939) Bolshevik who led the October 1917 attack on the Winter Palace; disappeared in Spain 1938. Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko, the son of a military officer, was born in Russia ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

An episode from the fourteenth book of the Mahabharata. It gives the discourse between Krishna and Arjuna after the battle with which the bhagavad-gita opens.


Philosophy; General philosophy

Analytica Priora or the First Analystics, Aristotle's third book on logic.


Philosophy; General philosophy

The emancipation of the soul from the misery of repeated re-births; final beatitude.