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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Sports > Snowboarding


Sports; Snowboarding

This means to slide sideways down a slope.


Sports; Snowboarding

When a snowboarder is only just in control.


Sports; Snowboarding

Like in skiing, this is a timed race through a set of gates.


Sports; Snowboarding

The back leg is boned, the front hand grabs the toe edge either between the toes or in front of the front foot, and the board is parallel to the ground.

slope style

Sports; Snowboarding

This is a freestyle event with a series of different jumps and quarter-pipes. The snowboarders are judged on the tricks and maneuvers they do and how well they perform them.

smith grind

Sports; Snowboarding

A trick done on the lip where the rider slides with the coping perpendicular to the snowboard. The snowboarders' front leg is boned and the snowboards nose is below the coping, ...