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Zoological terms
Terms in relation to animals, such as mammals, birds, reptiles or fish.
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Zoological terms
Zoology; Zoological terms
The shine that is present in the eyes of various birds (goatsuckers, owls, kiwis, and other nightbirds). Caused by reflection off of the tapetum, the vascular membrane of the retina within the eye.
facial shield
Zoology; Zoological terms
A hard plate on the forehead of some birds (coots, for example). It functions as a display ornament as well as enables the distinguishing between different species
fall bloom
Zoology; Zoological terms
The rapid growth of algae in temperate lakes following the autumnal breakdown of thermal stratification and mixing of water layers.
fall overturn
Zoology; Zoological terms
The vertical mixing of the layers of the water in temperate lakes. This turnover occurs in autumn when temperatures start to change
Zoology; Zoological terms
A plant or animl in an early stage of development; generally still contained within the seed, egg, or uterus.
endangered animals
Zoology; Zoological terms
Endangered animals are species or populations that are at risk of becoming extinct.