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Zoological terms
Terms in relation to animals, such as mammals, birds, reptiles or fish.
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Zoological terms
Zoology; Zoological terms
A measure of the rate at which an individual organism reproduces.
Zoology; Zoological terms
The thigh bone in vertebrates that have four limbs or the third segment of the leg in insects.
Zoology; Zoological terms
Pertaining to an animal that comes from domesticated stock and that has subsequently taken up life in the wild.
Zoology; Zoological terms
An embryo that is in the later stages of devemlopment but is still in the egg or uterus.
Zoology; Zoological terms
Egg shape rounded at both ends but elongated and tapering toward the rounded ends, with the broadest point nearer one end than the other
Zoology; Zoological terms
A taxon that is a subset of a family and that contains one or more genera.