Home > Blossary: GSCC 2.0
A private glossary for members of the GSCC 2.0 community.


26 Terms

Created by: stephanielibrarian

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

Ini adalah sebenarnya artefak, contoh, diskusi poin atau data lain tertentu yang mendukung komentar Anda membuat tentang kelas, tema atau tag.

Domain: Education; Category: Professional training

Lebih dari hanya refleksi, dalam meta-refleksi seseorang juga dengan erat mempelajari proses riset itu sendiri, serta menjadi kritis terhadap diri sendiri.

Domain: Education; Category: Professional training

Anggota fakultas dari 1 kelompok yang bekerja dengan sekelompok kecil GSCC 2.0 fakultas untuk memandu praktek mereka di tahun berikutnya.

Domain: Education; Category: Professional training

We did not yet have a definition for Polilogue; in Cohort 1, we described as the project's online community. This is the space where we meet for Jams, Monthly Fellow Meetings and other similar ...

Domain: Education; Category: Professional training

An online video uploading system. You will use it to upload videos. We will share the URL and specific instructions when we discuss the video assignment.

Domain: Education; Category: Professional training

These are actual artifacts, examples, discussion points or other specific data that support the comments you are making about your class, themes or tags.

Domain: Education; Category: Professional training

Deeper than just reflection, in meta-reflection one also closely examines the research process itself, as well as being self-critical.

Domain: Education; Category: Professional training

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