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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Seismology

gravity wave

Earth science; Seismology

A type of wave where gravity is the main restoring force in the system. Tsunami's are the most prevalent type of gravity wave.


Earth science; Seismology

A type of seismograph used to measure ground acceleration as a function of time.

Bessel Function

Earth science; Seismology

A type of function used in describing Earth's normal modes in spherical coordinates. They have the form of a decaying sinusoid.

Legendre functions

Earth science; Seismology

A type of function used in describing Earth's normal modes in spherical coordinates. They have the form of a decaying sinusoid.

seismic sea wave

Earth science; Seismology

A tsunami generated by an undersea earthquake.

Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)

Earth science; Seismology

A treaty to put an end to clandestine nuclear tests.

receiver function

Earth science; Seismology

A time series calculated from teleseismic P wavetrains that can be interpreted in terms of reflections and transmissions of mode-converted waves at discrete boundaries beneath the ...