Home > Industry/Domain > Marketing
Activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers, involving advertising and other promotional techniques.
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Marketing > Advertising 
venture team, in new product development
Marketing; Advertising
This is similar to a new product task force, but with an important difference: the team is independent of any functional department. Members stay with the project until abandoned ...
unfair competition
Marketing; Advertising
1. (environments definition) The rivalry among sellers through the use of practices deemed to be unfair by judicial, legal, or administrative agencies such as selling products ...
universal product code (UPC)
Marketing; Advertising
1. (retailing definition) A national coordinated system of product identification by which a ten-digit number is assigned to products. The UPC is designed so that at the checkout ...
value analysis
Marketing; Advertising
1. (industrial definition) An analytical procedure to study the costs versus the benefits of a currently purchased material, component, or design in order to reduce the ...
value added
Marketing; Advertising
1. (environments definition) An economic concept referring to the value that a firm adds to the cost of its inputs as a result of its activities, thereby arriving at the price of ...
value chain analysis
Marketing; Advertising
An approach to assessing the positions of competitive advantage. A value chain first classifies the activities of a business into the discrete steps performed to design, produce, ...
portfolio analysis
Marketing; Advertising
More diversified companies are more usefully considered as being composed of a portfolio of strategic business units (SBUs). Portfolio analysis is used to assess needs and to ...

- Advertising (1281)
- Event (39)