Contributors in Choreography
technical proficiency
Dance; Choreography
The ability to perform dance movement accurately and consistently, with kinesthetic awareness, and in the style of the genre or choreographer.
healthful physical behaviors
Dance; Choreography
Positive choices that contribute to a lifestyle required for dance proficiency: proper nutrition, adequate rest, conditioning, and the absence of tobacco, alcohol and other chemical substances.
Dance; Choreography
The act of creating and performing spontaneously in the fine arts.
Dance; Choreography
Coordination in the interplay of forces among the various parts of a composition; consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts.
ground bass
Dance; Choreography
A choreographic form in which a group of dancers repeat a series of simple movements while, in front, a smaller number of dancers (or soloist) perform (s) a contrasting, often more complex dance ...
form in dance
Dance; Choreography
The shape, structure, or contour of a composition according to a preconceived plan; the orderly arrangement of thematic material; the clarity of a movement or theme.