Contributors in Fish processing
Fish processing
whale worm
Fishing; Fish processing
Common name given to parasitic nematodes of the genus Anisakis found in the flesh of herring, and other species of fish.
Fishing; Fish processing
A polymerised form of orthophosphate consisting of six condensed phosphate groups. Available under its trade name of Calgon. It is a sequestrant for calcium, and is included in detergents. ...
histamine, histamine poisoning, histamine fish poisoning
Fishing; Fish processing
Histamine is a biogenic amine. It is formed in fish muscle by decarboxylation of the amino acid histidine by bacteria. It is physiologically active and is released in allergic reactions such as hay ...
Fishing; Fish processing
An amino acid found bound in proteins and in the free form in fish tissues. Can be decarboxylated by some bacteria to histamine.
Fishing; Fish processing
A textural defect in tuna characterised by pitted, spongy-looking meat, generally localised near the head of the fish which appears on cooking the meat, for example, in the pre-cooking stage before ...
Fishing; Fish processing
A compound formed by chemical reactions occurring in fish muscle after death of the fish. Its concentration in a sample of fish muscle is a measure of the freshness of the fish. (Botta, 1995). Also.
Fishing; Fish processing
Putting ice among fish, as in boxing, to chill it to 0 to -0. 5°C. The ice may be derived from block ice (cake ice), i.e. Ice made by freezing water in a mould to form a block typically weighing ...