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Molecular biology

Contributors in Molecular biology

Molecular biology

genomic tag model

Biology; Biochemistry

The hypothesis that a tRNA-like loop (the tag) of the genomic RNA of some viruses that functions in copying a strand of RNA into a complementary RNA or DNA strand is a relic of the part of the RNA ...

carbon cycle

Biology; Biochemistry

The movement of carbon atoms through different chemical forms and locations, from dissolved CO 2 in equilibrium with atmospheric CO 2 through plant carbohydrate, fats and proteins of plants and ...


Biology; Biochemistry

A compound required in the diet in minute amounts; fat-soluble if soluble in organic solvents (vitamins A, D and E); water-soluble if soluble in aqueous solutions (ascorbic acid, biotin, cobalamin, ...


Biology; Biochemistry

The response of a cell to stress in which it forms an autophagosome, an organelle that contains parts of the cell's own cytoplasm. Later this will fuse with a lysosome to form an autolysosome; all ...

periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain

Biology; Biochemistry

A reagent for staining of carbohydrate in polyacrylamide gels or histological preparations; periodic acid first oxidizes vicinal hydroxy groups to generate aldehydes that can then condense with ...


Biology; Biochemistry

A technique often used for introduction of 32 P into a DNA duplex involving cleavage of a phosphodiester bond of one strand, excision of the newly exposed nucleoside 5'-phosphate residue, and ...

segmental flexibility

Biology; Biochemistry

The internal movement possible in some proteins, in which domains show little internal movement but move relative to each other by flexion at the hinges that connect them, e.g. the wagging movement ...

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