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Molecular biology

Contributors in Molecular biology

Molecular biology


Biology; Biochemistry

A rapid mixing technique for observation of fast reactions, usually in the millisecond range. Two syringes holding solutions that must be mixed to initiate the reaction are emptied by a single piston ...


Biology; Biochemistry

A technique for the introduction of materials into an intact cell. Cells are subjected to a strong electric field which causes them to become temporarily permeable and thus take up molecules from ...

killer yeast

Biology; Biochemistry

A yeast that secretes a protein toxin that affects other organisms, including other yeasts. The best studied examples are toxins secreted by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The yeast contains a dsRNA virus ...

two-dimensional electrophoresis

Biology; Biochemistry

Electrophoretic separation of proteins on a solid support by one technique in one dimension, then by another technique in another. For example, proteins are subjected to isoelectric focusing in a ...

ezrin/radixin/moesin-binding phosphoprotein 50

Biology; Biochemistry

An adaptor protein that localizes at the apical region of epithelial cells. Ezrin/radixin/moesin-binding phosphoprotein 50 (EBP50) is required for the recruitment of active phosphorylated ERM ...


Biology; Biochemistry

Descriptive of the folding of a protein upon itself in several convolutions to create interactions of the side chains in many weak salt bridges, hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic bonds that result in a ...


Biology; Biochemistry

In protein chemistry, the orientation of extended polypeptide chains that interact in a pleated sheet structure, one chain in an N- to C-terminal direction and the other in a C- to N-terminal ...

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