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Immunology is the study of the structuree and function of the immune system which is responsible for the protection from invading foreign macromolecules or organisms. It is a broad branch of biomedical science that covers the study of all aspects of the immune system in organisms. It deals with the physiological functioning of the immune system in both healthy states and immunological disorders (autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivities, immune deficiency, transplant rejection); the physical, chemical and physiological characteristics of the components of the immune system in vitro, in situ, and in vivo.

Contributors in Immunology


homologous recombination

Biology; Immunology

Cellular genes can be disrupted by homologous recombination with copies of the gene into which erroneous sequences have been inserted. When these exogenous DNA fragments are introduced into cells, ...

nuclear factor of activated T cells

Biology; Immunology

The transcription factor called nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) is a complex of a protein called NFATc, as it is held in the cytosol by serine/threonine phosphorylation, and the Fos/Jun ...

DNA-dependent kinase

Biology; Immunology

The genetic defect in scid mice, which cannot rearrange their T- or B-cell receptor genes and have a severe combined immunodeficiency phenotype, is in the enzyme DNA-dependent kinase. This enzyme is ...

janus kinases

Biology; Immunology

Cytokine receptors signal via Janus kinases (JAKs)—tyrosine kinases that are activated by the aggregation of cytokine receptors. These kinases phosphorylate proteins known as STATs, for Signal ...

autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura

Biology; Immunology

In the disease autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura, antibodies against a patient’s platelets are made. Antibody binding to platelets causes them to be taken up by cells with Fc receptors and ...

germline diversity

Biology; Immunology

The germline diversity of antigen receptors is due to the inheritance of multiple gene segments that encode V domains; such diversity is distinguished from the diversity that is generated during gene ...

CD5 B cells

Biology; Immunology

CD5 B cells are a class of atypical, self-renewing B cells found mainly in the peritoneal and pleural cavities in adults. They have a far less diverse receptor repertoire than conventional B cells, ...

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