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Immunology is the study of the structuree and function of the immune system which is responsible for the protection from invading foreign macromolecules or organisms. It is a broad branch of biomedical science that covers the study of all aspects of the immune system in organisms. It deals with the physiological functioning of the immune system in both healthy states and immunological disorders (autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivities, immune deficiency, transplant rejection); the physical, chemical and physiological characteristics of the components of the immune system in vitro, in situ, and in vivo.

Contributors in Immunology



Biology; Immunology

Centrocytes are the small B cells in germinal centers that derive from centroblasts. They may mature into antibody-secreting plasma cells or memory B cells, or may undergo apoptosis, depending on ...

tingible body macrophages

Biology; Immunology

During the process of germinal center formation, cells called tingible body macrophages appear. These are phagocytic cells engulfing apoptotic B cells, which are produced in large numbers during the ...

respiratory syncytial virus

Biology; Immunology

The virus known as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a human pathogen that is a common cause of severe chest infection in young children, often associated with wheezing, as well as in ...

lymphoid dendritic cells

Biology; Immunology

Dendritic cells can arise from myeloid cells, in which case they are called myeloid dendritic cells, or from lymphoid tissues, in which case they are called lymphoid dendritic cells. Functional ...

myeloid dendritic cells

Biology; Immunology

Dendritic cells can arise from myeloid cells, in which case they are called myeloid dendritic cells, or from lymphoid tissues, in which case they are called lymphoid dendritic cells. Functional ...


Biology; Immunology

Chediak–Higashi syndrome is caused by a defect in a protein involved in intracellular vesicle fusion. Phagocytic cell function is affected as lysosomes fail to fuse properly with phagosomes and there ...

T-cell lines

Biology; Immunology

T-cell lines are cultures of T cells grown by repeated cycles of stimulation, usually with antigen and antigen-presenting cells. When single T cells from these lines are propagated, they can give ...

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