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Professional careers

Relating ot he various professional career paths or positions that exist.

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Professional careers > Sales

empty nesters

Professional careers; Sales

Those in the stage of the family life cycle where the children have all grown up and left home.


Professional careers; Sales

Those in a community who are slowest to adopt a new product, see diffusion of innovation, early adopters, early majority, innovators, late majority.

organizational structure

Professional careers; Sales

The way in which a firm has arranged its lines of authority and communication, and allocated duties and responsibilities, the structure may be of a divisional, geographic or ...


Professional careers; Sales

The way in which an individual interprets stimuli received by the senses.

learning process

Professional careers; Sales

The way in which an individual's behavior changes as a result of previous experiences, the process consists of four basic components - a stimulus or cue which creates a drive, the ...

data mining

Professional careers; Sales

This functionality involves the process of discovering meaningful correlations, patterns and trends by sifting through large amounts of customer data, data mining employs pattern ...


Professional careers; Sales

The wrapping, packet, carton, bottle, box, etc, used for containment, protection or promotion of a product also refers to the whole product or service offering at a given price, ...