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Professional careers

Relating ot he various professional career paths or positions that exist.

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Professional careers > Sales

product elimination

Professional careers; Sales

The decision to drop a product (for example, in the decline stage of its life cycle) in order to use the costs associated with it to enhance profits or to release resources that ...

product mix consistency

Professional careers; Sales

The degree of closeness or relatedness between product lines in the product mix, see product line and product mix.


Professional careers; Sales

The degree of difficulty which a purchaser of a new product has in understanding the product, a major determinant of the rate of new product adoption.

relative advantage

Professional careers; Sales

The degree to which a new product is superior to an existing one, a major determinant of the rate of adoption of a new product, see adoption rate determinants.


Professional careers; Sales

The degree to which a sample of consumers in a marketing research study represents the characteristics of the population as a whole.


Professional careers; Sales

The degree to which people control their emotions when relating to others, used in selling as an indicator of social style, see social styles, amiable, analytical, driver, and ...

advertising effectiveness

Professional careers; Sales

The degree to which the objectives of an advertisement or advertising campaign have been achieved, the effectiveness is commonly gauged by measuring the effect on sales, brand ...