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Professional careers

Relating ot he various professional career paths or positions that exist.

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Professional careers > Sales

multiple channel system

Professional careers; Sales

The use of more than one channel of distribution to sell a product, e.g. Direct mail, direct to major retailers, through wholesalers to smaller retailers, etc.

negotiation / negotiating

Professional careers; Sales

The trading of concessions including price reductions, between supplier and customer, in an attempt to shape a supply contract (sale) so that it is acceptable to both supplier and ...

multibrand strategy

Professional careers; Sales

The use of more than one brand within a product category in order to counteract brand switching and to increase shelf space opportunities.

data base marketing

Professional careers; Sales

The use of large collections of computer-based information in marketing; the database listings may be reference databases containing information on specific topics; full databases ...

intangible product attributes

Professional careers; Sales

The unobservable characteristics which a physical good possesses, such as style, quality, strength, beauty, etc.

unplanned cannibalisation

Professional careers; Sales

The unexpected loss of sales from one product to another more recently introduced product in the line, unplanned cannibalisation is more likely when there is little significant ...

prototype testing

Professional careers; Sales

The trialling of a sample of a newly developed product on selection of customers from the target market.