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Marketing communications
Of or related to the coordination of a single advertisement delivered through one or more channels such as print, radio, television, direct mail, and personal selling etc.
Industry: Advertising
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Marketing communications
Clipping bureau
Advertising; Marketing communications
An organization that aids in checking print adver- tising by clipping the advertisements from print media.
Closing date
Advertising; Marketing communications
The final deadline set by print media for advertising material to appear in a certain issue: in broadcast, the term "closing hour" may be used.
Column inch
Advertising; Marketing communications
Publication space that is one column wide by one-inch high, used as a measure of advertising space.
Combination rate
Advertising; Marketing communications
special discounted advertising rate for buying space in two or more publications owned by the same interests.
Commercial impressions
Advertising; Marketing communications
The total audience, including duplication, for all commercial announcements in an advertiser's schedule (see Gross impressions.
Advertising; Marketing communications
A broadcast media statement that a specific time is still open for purchase by an advertiser who is preparing a broad- cast advertising schedule.
Consumer profile
Advertising; Marketing communications
A demographic description of the people or house- holds that are prospects for a product or service