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Marketing communications

Of or related to the coordination of a single advertisement delivered through one or more channels such as print, radio, television, direct mail, and personal selling etc.

Contributors in Marketing communications

Marketing communications


Advertising; Marketing communications

A numerical value that is assigned to quantitative data for ease of comparison.

Individual location

Advertising; Marketing communications

An outdoor location that has room only for one billboard.


Advertising; Marketing communications

An advertisement that is enclosed with bills or letters; a one-page or multi-page print advertisement that is distributed with the publication and may or may not be bound into it.

Integrated commercial

Advertising; Marketing communications

A broadcast advertising message that is de- livered as part of the entertainment portion of a program.

Interstitial Ad

Advertising; Marketing communications

Interstitial advertisements are usually full-page ads displayed while a user is in transit from one page to another, triggered by code included in the link. CPM rates can be as high or higher than ...

Island position

Advertising; Marketing communications

A print advertisement that is surrounded by edit- orial material; a print advertisement that is not adjacent to any other advertising; a broadcast commercial that is scheduled away from any other ...

Isolated 30

Advertising; Marketing communications

A 30-second broadcast commercial that runs by itself and not in combination with any other announcement; usually found only on network television.

Featured blossaries


Category: Education   1 1 Terms

Paintings by Albrecht Dürer

Category: Arts   2 19 Terms